Options for Converting JSON Files

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become the de facto standard for data interchange in web development. While JSON is highly efficient and easy to work with, there are scenarios where one may need to convert JSON data into other formats. This article explores some of those options.


XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is another popular format for data storage and interchange. It is often used in services like SOAP. Conversion from JSON to XML can be crucial for legacy systems. Various online tools and libraries, such as json2xml and xml-js, can perform this conversion easily.


CSV (Comma Separated Values) is extensively used for tabular data and spreadsheets. Converting JSON to CSV allows the data to be easily imported into software like Microsoft Excel. Tools like Papaparse, or simple custom scripts, can get this job done.


YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) is increasingly popular for configuration files. Converting JSON to YAML can make configuration easier to read and write. This can be done using online converters or YAML libraries in various programming languages.


When it's about databases, converting JSON to SQL can be very useful. By translating JSON into SQL queries, you can insert the data directly into a SQL database. Libraries such as json-sql-builder2 offer programmatic ways to perform this conversion.


For document archival or easy sharing, converting JSON to PDF is an option. Libraries such as jsPDF can convert JSON data into PDF documents. Usually, this involves turning the JSON into HTML first, and then rendering that HTML into a PDF.

JSON to HTML Table

Converting JSON data to an HTML table allows for easy viewing in a web browser. This is typically done using JavaScript and can be a handy way to display JSON data on a website. Libraries like DataTables can help with this.

JSON to Plaintext

In some cases, you may want a simplified, human-readable text format. Custom scripts can easily parse JSON data and output it as plain text for this purpose.


BSON (Binary JSON) is used primarily for MongoDB databases. Converting JSON to BSON is often done automatically by MongoDB drivers, but standalone converters also exist for this binary format.

JSON to MessagePack

MessagePack is a binary serialization format that is very similar to JSON but more efficient in terms of both size and speed. Libraries like msgpack offer APIs to perform this conversion.


Given the prevalence of JSON in modern web development, knowing how to convert it into other formats is an invaluable skill. Whether you're integrating with a legacy system, preparing data for analysis, or simply aiming for more human-readable formats, there are multiple avenues available for JSON conversion.

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